Skin Care Express Audiobook By Rhonda Fields, KnowIt Express cover art
Skin Care Express Audiobook

Skin Care Express Audiobook


by Rhonda Fields

  • Narrated by: KnowIt Express
  • Length: 32 mins
  • Release date: 07-22-16
  • Language: English

Can you guess what the largest organ of your body is? Nope, not your liver, which is the biggest internal organ, but not the largest of them all.

Give up? It’s your skin! Yes, that’s right. It’s an excretory organ, on its own responsible for waste such as urea and sodium to leave your body through its sweat pores.

Just when you thought the skin was all about appearance. That’s certainly true, but it goes much more skin deep than that.

Your skin is your body’s vital first line of defense. It protects you from all the tiny microscopic organisms in the air, and toxin and other pollution within the environment.

Now on to the obvious of more or less why you want to take care of your skin: you want to appear and be attractive, increase your self-esteem and confidence, or get ahead professionally in life, as people tend to favor better-looking people than those who are less polished in appearance.

Overall, you just want to have healthy, beautiful skin because your skin is also an indicator of your health. They say real beauty comes from the inside out – well, the outside is the reflection of your inside. If your internal health is bad, that will show outwardly through your skin, and vice versa.

Now that you know how your skin is much more than about looking good – and even why skin care is necessary – it’s time to actually start taking care of your skin!

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KnowIt Express, Rhonda Fields




32 mins

Narrated by

KnowIt Express

Release date



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