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Publisher’s summary
A gripping horror thriller that will leave you wanting more. Start listening to the first book in this dark and captivating re-imagined series of the classic story of Hansel and Gretel.
There is an ancient evil in the Back Country, dormant for centuries but now hungry and lurking.
When it sets its sights on an unsuspecting mother one routine morning along an isolated stretch of highway, a quiet farming family is suddenly thrust into a world of unspeakable terror, and young Gretel must learn to be a hero.
Angel Torres –
The balance between detail and entertainment in the discussion of engaging and thought-provoking content was perfect. The seamless experience provided by the platform made listening even better.
Roman Gray –
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Asher Cox –
I enjoyed every bit of this audiobook, especially the parts related to engaging and thought-provoking content. The platform’s simple and efficient design made accessing the book a pleasure.
Dylan Hughes –
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Dylan Alvarez –
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The detailed exploration of engaging and thought-provoking content made it a very enjoyable experience. The interface is so user-friendly, and I never faced any issues during playback.
Axel Campbell –
The audio production was top-notch, making the exploration of engaging and thought-provoking content very enjoyable. I’m also very happy with the platform itself—it made finding and purchasing this audiobook so simple.
Ezra Gutierrez –
The narration was highly engaging, especially when delving into the engaging and thought-provoking content. I felt like I was truly there, experiencing every moment first-hand. The website’s interface made it super easy to find and start listening, which I really appreciate.
Ryan Patel –
I appreciated the depth and clarity provided in discussing engaging and thought-provoking content. The process of getting this audiobook was seamless. The site is easy to navigate, and the audio quality is superb!
Wyatt Cox –
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